
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Make: Stuffed Owl Friend

Hello and Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Today I'm sharing a little something I made for Bean a few weeks ago. She was running a pretty high fever for a few days with no other symptoms. She's so good at keeping her spirits up, but she was miserable.

So I put this together in a little under an hour using nothing but fleece scraps. She LOVES it!

It's such a generous size too. Want to make your own? Check out the FREE pattern and tutorial at Make It and Love It. Oh, and when I have enough supplies, I make things in threes for Bean's favorite little they'll be getting one of these too!


  1. Lola that is just so adorable... It's almost as big as she is.. I hope she is feeling better. She is such a lite cutie..

  2. Oh my gosh - that is CUTE!!!! I would SO cuddle up with that!

  3. P.S. (It was my EX I was talking Monday's post! LOL!)


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