
Monday, March 7, 2011

Funny Money

Hello all and Happy Monday. Hope you had a great weekend!

Today at Catch the Bug is ABC Day (Anything But a Card). One thing I really enjoy is making things for Bean. I feel there are so many learning opportunities and I try my best to be creative to make it all fun.

Bean LOVES quarters. For chapel the other day, I gave her a dollar bill. She was so disappointed and wanted a quarter. I tried to explain how the paper money was more than the shiny metal money. So here we are:

I got a great template from Kids Money Farm, inserted some Bobbleheads, and printed out the new money on green paper (it's the same design on the back). These are "money size."

Of course to go along with the new money, Bean needed a new wallet. I embroidered her initials on the heart, did a blanket stitch, and filled it with fiberfill. The inside has the pocket and a little zig-zag stitch for fun.

So far, she is enjoying her "hundreds" of dollars.

Thanks for joining me today and have a great day!


  1. How fun.. Bean is a lucky little girl to have such an amazing mom. hugs

  2. What a really great idea for teaching kids about money! Those Bugaboo Bobbleheads are so much cuter than the 'real' money heads!
    Great job Lola!
    Hugs & Happy Days!

  3. What a fun idea. The kids would really love this. TFS.

  4. Funny indeed Lola. . .You crack me up! :D MWAH!

  5. What a cute idea! I'll bet Bean is loving it.


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