
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hey Big Boy

Hello! It's HUMP DAY!

I got this sexy lady a while back from Kenny K Designs and have been a little intimidated to actually use it. Well, last night I pulled out my Copics....LOTS of Copics and got coloring.
 I'm still trying to think of something witty to put on the inside.
A close up of course. I think I could have put way more "texture" in her hair - I'm not used to coloring in SO much hair and went wild with the darker colors. Oh well. I tried.

Thank you for stopping by!

My card will be entered in the following challenges:


  1. Great job on the CPS sketch! Lovely coloring and thanks for playing along.

  2. Love the colors. Great coloring. Thanks for joining us at CPS :)

  3. LOL.. oh I am sure dh is going to love this card. I think you did an AWESOME job of coloring her. you are really making me want to drag out my copics and try using them again.. I just can't seem to get the blending right..
    How sweet of dh to get you roses.. hugs from ukiah

  4. Yowza! Lola, she looks amazing! The skin is right-on! Seriously, lady, this is so great, I can't imagine why you haven't colored her up sooner. I see more Kenny K. images in your future ;D Hugz, Cheryl

  5. I had to giggle when I saw "it's hump day" and then the image. WOW! I'm sure she'll definitely get approval from your husband. Great card!

  6. Wow Amazing card!
    Thanks for joining KKKG this week

  7. sassy and it


  8. Super sassy card!! Thanks for joining us at CPS this week!!

  9. Great card, Lola. Thanks for joining us over at Cards for Men and good luck in the challenge.

    Donna x

  10. i also have an award for you over on my blog



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