
Friday, December 28, 2012

Bugaboo Freebie Hang in There Cat

Hello all and Happy Friday!  I know Christmas is over, but Bugaboo is here with a present:
and I don't think you want to miss this one!!
Isn't he cute?!  Our Sid has gone to heaven, so I didn't want to color this little guy in Sid's colors, so instead, he looks like our neighbor cat O'Mally.  O'Mally has a habit of jumping in our car as we're unloading the kids or whatever.  And he jumps on our shoulders just to say hi - and he's HEAVY!!
Anyway, don't forget to pick him up - for FREE!!


  1. This is so adorable Lola ! I love this image ! Love the paper too ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  2. They are both sooo cute and I need to hurry and get the freebie image....a very versatile image. Sorry about Side, but seems O'Malley is heavy on your shoulders for some love...haha

  3. soooooooooooooooooo cute how you used him Lola!


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