
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog Winners

Hello all.  Sorry for a late post on two winners.

First, my winner for the Kenny K Kandy is
Sandy from Sandy from Ukiah will receive a Kenny K Rubber Stamp!

 And my winner for the Bugaboo Hop is
Cynthia, from Stampin' in Alaska will receive Clyde Birthday Bugaboo stamp!

Thank you to everyone who left me such wonderful comments!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how fun that I won... I love to win.. I haven't been blogging in awhile, I thought if I stayed away from my blog I might actually get something accomplished.. Well it hasn't happened. But I do get emails if someone visits my blog and was so excited I WON..
    I hope you and your sweet family are doing well.
    Hugs from ukiah


Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave me a message.