
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Prickles with From the Heart

Hello all and Happy Tuesday!  Nothing like being last minute, but I really want to join in with the From the Heart Stamp of the Month:
Now cute is this little guy?!  I'm making a few more flat cards to send out - they really are so much more postal friendly - but lack in dimension, but hopefully it will be the thought that counts.  Anyway, thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.


  1. He is really precious and you've done a brilliant job coloring him Lola! I love that wood grain paper and your stitching details look fabulous! :) HUGS

  2. Love the way you colored Prickles. Wonderful background papers, colors and stitching. Awesome card, Lola!

  3. I also like flat cards due to postal costs and yours looks very pretty. Your layout is great and also the papers and Colors.
    Adorable coloring of "Prickles".

  4. This is SO adorable Lola ! Love the layout, the papers and this little cutie ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine


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